Vocal Pedagogy Books
Questions and Answers
So i LOVE the Brett Manning's Singing Success thing, it looks really great and helpful, but i can't find it and it's probably WAY to expensive! So basically i'd like something that builds my singing range, and some vocal exercises! I had a singing teacher, but she didn't really teach me anything, and she was too expensive : [ SO. Any alternatives to Brett Manning's Singing Success?
Have you tried going to your library and looking for vocal pedagogy books? Some of them are really verbose and difficult to read, but others are very straightforward and simple.
Also, music stores will usually carry these kinds of books/kits. They're usually not too much money, and if they are, then browse through them and see if you like it, then buy it on amazon or ebay or something. See if you can get it used, or ask the store when they have their sales (music stores usually have big sales once or twice a year).
Good luck!
I'm writing a paper for my vocal pedagogy class on vocal health but I'm having a hard time organizing it. Vocal health is such a broad topic and this paper is only supposed to be 4-6 pages, which is relatively short…The best I've come up with so far is having one part about how to take care of yourself and your voice when you're sick and another part about how to avoid getting sick/practicing vocal hygiene, but other than that, I can't figure out where to start…what to include/exclude…I have a ton of books from the library about vocal health and they all seem to talk a lot about the common cold but, really, there are so many small aspects of it that it's intimidating to know where to begin. Are there any voice teachers/pedagogy teachers with any suggestions? There's just so much to write about and I'm overwhelmed…what would you want to see in a student's paper on vocal health?
I suppose an example of an outline might be:
1) Introduction- I know this is open ended, but you might consider talking about certain things that inhibit vocal health
2) Talk about common problems
3) Solutions and proper vocal care- this may include 'remedies,' care techniques, etc, etc.
A well written paper on vocal health (which I agree is crazy for a teacher to assign- it's quite the open-ended project), or any paper on procedures and guidelines will introduce the problem, and seek to resolve it- prevention/medical treatments alike.
I love to sing and people have been telling me if you want to improve your voice, find a vocal teacher but, be sure they know what they're doing. Does antybody know anyone who is a good singer who is a vocal teacher that i can have face-to-face lessons with???
Ask questions – you need to find someone with a DEGREE in Voice or Voice Pedagogy – or at least Music education with a concentration or major in Voice. Yes, there are idiots that slip thru all of those certifications, too – but the chance of you finding someone competent is far better than just opening the phone book. People who only list all the places and people they have sung with, and do NOT give you accurate educational inforamtio0n, are seldom to be trusted. I can say things like "performed with Sir James Galway" (I am a professional flutist) – and it is true – but the REAL truth is that I was one of 2800 flutists in the World's Biggest Flute Quartet – so I can also say that my flute playing got me into the Guinness Book of World Records. See what I mean? Even the truth can tell lies. I was a mere speck – and I know people that have exaggerations like in this in their resumes. There are highly-qualified people ALL OVER – call a local college or even high school, speak with the department chair, and ask who THEY would recommend. Now, some public schools are not allowed to do that – conflict of interest issues – but in most places, you will get a good answer. Do not be upset if the person cannot tell you – it might be because they are legally not allowed. Stay away from the loonies on Yo Tube who swear that they have The Way – and it is a *secret*, too! We have one guy around here who teachers piano, and makes his students sing a Confidentiality Agreement, so that they will never tell anyone HOW he teaches them. Yeah, I would send a 10-year-old kid to him – not.
The fact that you seek face-to=face lessons is HUGE – that is by far the best approach. Good luck – you WILL find the right person, so persevere!
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