Techniques for Singing Full Voice

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【ENGLISH】 Karakuri Pierrot 【Voiceless】

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Questions and Answers

I have trouble singing high notes?

In my head voice I can sing very high, but otherwise I'm an alto. Is there any way I can expand my range?

Posted by You Know Nothing.
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If you mean by expanding how high you can sing in your chest voice, then yes, you can bridge the gap between your chest voice and head voice and build resonance in that area, over time it'll all be one full connected range, the head voice notes will begin sounding as powerful as belted chest voice notes, once you have learned to bridge this area you'll have what's referred to as mixed voice, in this area tones from both chest and head are mixed producing a full sound that can go very high without any strain. An exercise you can use for this are lip rolls, this video by Eric Arceneaux demonstrates this exercise:


and this video by Jaime Vendera has an exercise to build resonance from the bottom to the top of your range


once you have bridged and connected the gap, keep bringing the resonance as high as you can keeping the note powerful but without straining and over time you'll even have higher notes from strengthening your voice.

Also, to truly see just how high you can actually go, don't eat any dairy products for a day, and drink some form of mint tea, this will open up the sinuses and relax the vocal folds so they vibrate freely, and you'll notice already you can hit higher notes.

But anyways, if you can master the mixed voice technique, people won't be able to tell if you are an alto or a soprano.

How to sing in full voice?

Does anyone no how to sing in full voice? What do i do to sing in full voice?

Posted by Anonymous
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Larissa Lam knows … Http://… – She's pretty good and while you are there you might want to watch all of her other videos too.

When you have mastered all that she as to teach you, then you are ready to improve the tone quality of your voice. This technique will help you to do that: Do not sing with a smiling or flatly opened mouth. Instead, shape your mouth like a megaphone with your lips slightly protruding so that your mouth is open and rounded. When you are singing place the tip of your tongue at the very base of your front teeth and attempt to keep it there as much as you can while you sing. You will have to move it to pronounce the words correctly but, always return the tip of your tongue to the base of your teeth. Arch your tongue so that the middle of your tongue rises up toward the roof of your mouth. Now when your force the air from your lungs, using your diaphragm, the sounds will float up over your arched tongue and out through your megaphone shaped mouth and you will produce a much more beautiful tone than you ever thought you were capable of producing.

You will need to practice all of these things in addition to your breathing and phrasing (your teacher can help you with that) until you are doing all of these things well.

Now, here is the real SECRET to singing exceptionally well at a professional level …

Regardless of how good your singing voice is, the audience will always chose the best performance over the best voice. Your very best performance is always going to be the one in which you are not performing at all but rather are simply reacting and allowing the song to sing through you. You just let go and allow the song to be free. Feel it. Allow the song to take over and control you. Surrender to it completely and allow the song to move you. To sing through you.

When you do that, the energy of the song will flow through you and spill out into and embrace the audience and they will feel that energy to the extent that goose bumps will form on there skin and subtle shivers will flow throughout the entire body.

Listen to these singing performance on You Tube:


Here how they sing from the diaphragm and watch the feeling and emotion effortlessly unfold in the singers faces. See how easily they appear to be singing as they allow the energy of the song to flow through them. Allow yourself to become absorbed in their performance and see if you can actually feel the energy of the song flowing across the Internet through your computer monitor and right through you. Then ask yourself if your performance does that. Can you understand now what I mean when I say you need to allow the energy of the song to flow through you. To allow the song to sing you?

Good luck to you! The world needs more talented young singers and you have the ingredients to become one of the very best or you would not have the desire to be. If you will only first prepare yourself by taking voice lessons, and performance coaching and learn how to be the best you can be and then allow the lyrics and the music to do all the work for you and just surrender to it and move with the energy of the song rather than attempting to control it.

Breathing techniques???? …[singing]?

Hi, im a singer… I notice somtimes when i sing i sound like a little kid… Almost like chris brown… That happens mostly once ive been singing for about 5 minutes.. Or when im singing for a crowd … However, most of the time i have a very soulful bassy voice… How do i keep my voice bassy and solful… Sometimes once my voice goes shaky i try my hardest! To push it out and get it back by using more vibrato… Idk what to do, ive had this problem forever…
I want to be able to sing my best infront of ppl and in the studio without having to worry about losing the soul in my voice.
I also have a huge problem with breathing.. I cant hold my notes, no matter how hard i try, no matter how much air i take in… What do i do???

Posted by kdso W
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The most important thing to learn correctly and do every time you sing is to breathe correctly, and use proper diaphragmatic support. Along this line the one thing you can do every day, almost anywhere you are, without bothering those around you, is breathing exercises. When you practice your breathing, you not only build the foundation for proper singing technique, you also build your stamina for singing long phrases without a break, and develop the proper muscle memory so your breathing is always the same, without having to give it a second thought. This holds true regardless of the type of music you sing, or whether you sing solo or with other.

I have posted several times in the last week the breathing exercise that works for me. So here is what I recommend for a breathing exercise.

Basically, what you want to do is be able to take the fullest breath you can, then control how the air is expelled while singing. The end result should be a steady, consistent stream of air moving past your vocal chords.

The first step is taking a good singers breath. You want to fill your lungs from the bottom up. With practice this can actually be done without the sucking sound so often heard with a deep breath. What you want to do is release your back muscles and rib cage. When you take your breath, you should be able to feel your mid-section inflate and the top of your stomach will move out. Your shoulders and neck should not move at all with this breath.

The picture to illustrate would be if you place an empty bottle below water, and squeeze all the air out. When you release the bottle, it automatically fills with water as it resumes its' normal shape. Your lungs work exactly the same way. You do not need to force air in, if you open your chest as described above, air will fill the void. With practice, this can be done in 1/2 count or less, just by releasing the muscles. This is also what is meant when a director or coach asks for a "silent breath."

The exercise that worked for me when learning was to place a belt loosely around my mid-section, and feel it tighten as I take my breath. This can also be felt just by placing your hands on your front and on your back and feeling the release. The belt exercise helped me get the most out of my breath, but now I just use my hands to check myself.

Once you have the air in your lungs, the next step is letting the air out in a controlled, steady, consistent stream. This is where your diaphragm comes into play. Your diaphragm is a muscle just below your rib cage between your ribs and your stomach. It works naturally when you use it, but unless you train yourself, it will do very little. All you really need to do is tighten your stomach like your are getting ready to lift something heavy. If you watch a weight lifter, before he starts a lift he takes a breath, then tightens his back , ribs and stomach to support his lift. Same thing for a singer, just not as strenuous. Tighten your stomach and let the air out in a controlled fashion, and you are successfully using your diaphragm for singing. Tighten does not mean to collapse your stomach, you just want to tighten the support muscles around your stomach. The belt may loosen just a little, but it is the support you are aiming for.

Here is the exercise I use to work on my breathing. If you do this exercise enough, you will develop muscle memory so you do not need to think about your breathing when singing.

Take a breath, then blow everything out, then take another good singers breath and hold it a couple of seconds, then in a controlled hiss, let it out on a count of 8. By the count of 8, you should have expelled all your air. Breathe it out evenly so it is all gone at the end of 8. Do this 4 times. Next, repeat the exercise, only hiss out on a count of 12, four times. Work on this for a week, and slowly increase the count by 4 until you can hiss out your note to a count of 16 without dying. You know you are there when you can get to 20.

If you spend 5 to 10 minutes a day on this exercise, it will become naturally as a habit in about two weeks. Then you just need to check yourself by running the exercise as part of your warm up routine whenever you sing, but once singing, you will not need to think about it again.

One additional tip I just received last week that really works. When you are practicing, bend you knees. The more you can bend them the more it will invoke your back muscles which in turn get your diaphragm working with you. I was actually practicing while doing a deep knee bend, and was amazed at how you feel the diaphragm working.

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