Singing Basics for Children

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Questions and Answers

Is it possible to learn to sing WELL in a span of 1-2 years without ANY prior voacl training?

But here's the twist: Im already 24. I believe I have listen to the radio a little too much and am having a really hard time finding my own "voice" because I am hearing too many other artist own tones and voices. What do I do? Is it worth to take vocal classes and purchase vocal books in order to help me locate my voice or is it too late? Almost every singer i come it to contact with or bio's I read all state that they have been singing since they were really young. Me on the other hand am now just dipping my fingers in the art now. Im really, really passionate about learning to sing and performing vocally. However, my mind is mature enough to realize that such a dream isnt easy to act out. To me its more than worth it but am I fooling myself. Please help.

Posted by rmauriceg2000
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Whether you can be trained to sing well really depends on your definition of "well" as well as your objectives (do you want to be an opera singer? Be able to sing to your dog without him moaning? Earn income? Go on American Idol?) It also depends to some extent on your age, although since you're 24, you're a prime candidate for vocal training because your voice is fully mature and will only get better over the next 10 years or so.

First, don't be intimidated by people who began their vocal training at a young age. Classically trained vocalists don't often begin their serious training until they're adolescents (although they might begin learning music or performing in a children's choir before then). Musical theatre performers may begin acting and belting out music at a very young age, but that's a very particular sort of vocal technique that can wreak havoc on the voice if not done properly. Pop singers may begin at young ages, too, but they wind up doing terrible things to their voices. There's a reason why so many pop singers use backup vocals and special effects to augment their singing.

Second, here are a couple of basic singing tips to get you started:
– Learn how to breathe like an athlete. Full, deep breaths that expand your rib cage and down into your stomach. Not wimpy breaths that sit up in your chest.
– Spend some time humming. A good hum will result in feeling vibrations in your lips and maybe your nose. Don't clench your teeth when you hum and keep your tongue relaxed. Don't try to hum notes that are outside your comfortable range. Hum five notes at a time, on a scale, up and down.
– Flutter your lips. This is good both for your enunciation and your breath control. Try to flutter your lips as long as possible on a single, deep breath. For this exercise, a lip flutter is just like what you'd do when making faces at a baby. Sort of purse the lips together and blow air through so that they flutter up and down really fast.
– Learn some basic repertoire. More on that later, but some good songs would be lullabys (All the Pretty Little Horses), gospel (Amazing Grace), and light Broadway melodies (Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La-Te-Do from Sound of Music).

My best recommendation to you would be to go to your local community college and sign-up for a one-credit choir ensemble type class or, if you're eligible and they have space, voice lessons. If you're of a spiritual bent AND have access to a GOOD church choir, you could also try asking the choir director for private instruction, too.

As far as finding your "voice" is concerned, my guess is that you're trying to find your own personal style. I have a couple of thoughts for you:
– Avoid listening to anyone's musical interpretations (not recommended!)
– Listen to everyone's musical interpretations (preferred!)
– Steep yourself in the basics (folk song, Broadway melodies, gospel, light opera, etc.)

If you have the money and commitment to buy a textbook for singing, I highly recommend "Basics of Singing" by Jan Schmidt. This is a staple of college 100-level introduction to singing classes everywhere and gives you that basic knowledge you may need of vocal techniques, language, and repertoire. It is more geared toward the "serious" singer rather than the pop singer, but it is highly useful either way.

By the way, if you live nearby a university, you can contact the department of music and ask for a list of the graduate students there who are in pedagogy programs. Most graduate students (as well as some seniors) take vocal students, both to supplement their income as well as to build experience. Lessons would be significantly cheaper and, if you get a teacher who can also play piano, you won't need to pay for an accompianist either.

By the way, don't get discouraged because you may be a late bloomer. The only things that can really get in your way is you and perhaps your sense of pitch (if you're tone deaf). I know one woman who started singing in her late 20s after a divorce and a new start on life, and she now sings with a small opera company in lead roles in California.

Good luck.

How do i sound better singing?

Im 16 and i feel like my voice sounds very child like when i sing. How do i make my voice sound powerful and loud? Please expllain as much as you can to me on how to sing. Like when using your diaphram how exactly do you do that? How do you make the words come out clear? Please explain the basics of singing if you can.

Posted by bugbee
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Using your diaphragm gives you tone and better air opening with is why you sound like a child but, it may also, you might just be a soprano and your voice isn't used to the feeling. But another reason why u sound that way is because your throat is very closed and tight. So breathing through your diaphragm is best. Use ur stomach to breathe not your chest. You'll know your doing it right when your stomache pushes out. Also you need to found out your vocal range. If you have a piano start on a note and see if u can sing it. Then keep going higher until you can't sing it. Do it daily. If you don't have a piano, look up vocal warm ups on YouTube. Hopefully this helps:)

Does anyone know anything about mothers and children in the Tudor times?

Can someone tell me how a mother was supposed to bring up her children, like the punishments, way to treat them, etc, and also the toys that children used to play with? Please help!!!

Posted by *^~Я~^*
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It depends on the wealth of the parent.

The affluent "ladies" did not raise their children. There were Nannies. The Nanny was expected to do whatever was necessary to make the child "seen and not heard". There are many cases where the children were sent away and then brought back once they were old even to "comport themselves". The affluent families often travelled with the court and could not bring children along. The queen or king wuold summon them and the women would be forced to leave the children behind. They would go months without seeing their parents. The mothers often started this practice from birth by having a "nursemaid".
Many of the children were encouraged not to play as this was considered unladylike. The male children were taught to hunt, ride, joust in order to learn how to be men of the court. The ladies were taught to play instruments like the harp and were given singing lessons. It was all about how to behave as an adult. "Fun" activities were often frowned upon.
The parents of the child would visit their children and if they misbehaved the child would be taken away to be dealt with by the Nanny.

The poorer children did not have this luxury and were taught just the basics needed to maintain their house. The son usually took up the fathers occupation and worked as an apprentice from a very young age. The daughters were taught how to maintain a household: the wash, cooking, cleaning, gardening, etc. It was all very basic. The parents had more direct contact with their children and therefore did their own punishing, but it was not unheard of to "get the switch". Children were sent to get their own "switch" off the tree and were hit with them when they behaved wrong, or they were often sent to bed without meals.

Back then, there were two methods of raising female children: Raising the Debutante and the Courtesain, or raising the Mother and wife depending on station.
The affluent Male Children had the best life as they were given the most liesure time, the best education and the most amount of attention and respect.

These were many families that sat between these two groups: rich and poor, and those children (male) were allowed to attend school but it was only if the family could afford to not have the child home and helping to maintain the household. Educated women were not socially accepted back then because the man was the head of the house and therefore an educated wife might not be submissive. The royalty educated their children to prove to the future husbands that their women were of good stock and would have quality children. The middle class women did have some education, possibly Latin, but they ran in their own social circles. They ultimately were only expected to maintain the household and to run the servents. They most likely will be taught math in order to keep track of the household records and supplies.

Hope this helped some.

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