How to Sing Better Without Lessons

How to sing better without singing lessons?

Questions and Answers

How to be a great singer without going to singing lessons (10 points)?

I know you've probably heard this a billion times from others, but I REALLY want to be a famous singer. I can't imagine doing anything else. I can't afford singing lessons so maybe some websites for singing, some tips and maybe some help on my main problem my singing voice is really weak and I can't hit low notes. Maybe a tip on getting a stronger voice. And one other how to not be scared to sing infront of others e.g mum, dad, friends, family anyone. Please help I need some help!

Posted by
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Sorry, but THE ONLY SAFE way to learn the correct singing techniques & to improve properly IS to take OFFLINE face-to-face singing lessons with a fully trained vocal teacher (in case you do not have a teacher yet)! The teacher HAS TO BE in the same room with you, so that he/she could give you proper feedback.

Please do NOT rely on any dodgy web tutorials because that way you can misunderstand things VERY EASILY and develop bad habits, hoarseness, vocal nodules and other nasties IN NO TIME, and even though you would sound good! It is always much wiser to invest a little bit of your money/time to face-to-face lessons rather than wasting the same amount of money (or even more!) to frequent ear-nose-throat specialist visits due to aforementioned problems, so please reconsider this. If you can't afford vocal lessons, then joining a choir is the only SAFE alternative option. And believe me, but even MANY of those who have music as their hobby DO take lessons as well!

Always remember to warm up your voice properly, but please know your limits and don't overdo your voice! Remember the diaphragmatic support, do not strain your throat too much! Also, remember good body posture!

Avoid fizzy drinks (burp danger), dairy products (mucus risk), caffeinated products (coffee & tea included, they dry up your throat) and spicy food (irritation risk)! You can consume these things, but NEVER before singing!

Do NOT shout, yell, scream nor otherwise abuse your voice AT ANY TIME! Also, please respect your vocal range; if your teacher says you are, say, more of an alto (baritone if you are male), then you ARE more of an alto (baritone).

DO NOT try to imitate anyone famous, that will usually give you just bad habits and even damage your throat. You are YOU and your voice is unique, so please learn to cherish that. The world does NOT need copycats.

Do NOT sing, whisper, shout, yell nor scream if having a sore throat/cold/flu, Also, do speak as little as you can if you have flu/cold/sore throat!

Remember to drink at least 2 litres of room-temperature still water every day, not just during singing days!

Smoking is a big no-no, as is inhaling secondhand smoke. Also, avoid staying in dusty and/or moldy environment.

How can I get my singing voice better without taking lessons?

I've been wanting to be a country singer my whole like, but I don't want to be taught to get my voice better. I want to make my voice better on my own. Any tips or pointers guys? I really appreciate it!

Posted by jake
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Do scales. Best way would be to hum and sing "ah" with a piano (then all the other vowels; eh, ee, ohhh, ooh), matching the notes. Slowly extend your range. Singing along with the radio/cds/mp3s is a good idea, but you will want to develop your own sound/style. Stand up straight, open your throat, and learn to use your diaphragm (the one that makes you inhale). Use visualization techniques to imagine yourself hitting the note. Sing for your friends/relatives and ask them what they think (make sure to tell them to be brutally honest!) Start going to karaoke, maybe enter a contest!

Get a book on singing from the library and follow the exercises.

How to become better at singing without lessons?

My dream is to be a singer. And I want to sing "Sleeping With Sirens- If I'm James Dean You're Audrey Hepburn acoustic" to my boyfriend. Or, make a video for him. So, I know drinking what helps clear your throat up a bit. But is there any way I can get better at it? And is it true that if you're born with a not so good singing voice that you can never be a singer? I beg you.. Please help.. Singing is my biggest dream..

Posted by Koda
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The ONLY SAFE way to improve properly IS to take face-to-face singing lessons with a fully trained vocal teacher (in case you do not have a teacher yet)! Please do NOT rely on any dodgy web tutorials because that way you can misunderstand things VERY EASILY and develop bad habits, hoarseness, vocal nodules and other nasties IN NO TIME, and even though you would sound good! It is always much wiser to invest a little bit of your money/time to face-to-face lessons rather than wasting the same amount of money (or even more!) to frequent ear-nose-throat specialist visits due to aforementioned problems, so please reconsider. If you can't afford vocal lessons, then joining a choir is the only SAFE alternative option.

Always remember to warm up your voice properly, but please know your limits and don't overdo your voice! Remember the diaphragmatic support, do not strain your throat too much! Also, remember good body posture!

Avoid fizzy drinks (burp danger), dairy products (mucus risk), caffeinated products (coffee & tea included, they dry up your throat) and spicy food (irritation risk)! You can consume these things, but NEVER before singing!

Do NOT shout, yell, scream nor otherwise abuse your voice AT ANY TIME! Also, please respect your vocal range; if your teacher says you are, say, more of an alto, then you ARE more of an alto. DO NOT try to imitate anyone famous, that will usually give you just bad habits and even damage your throat. You are YOU and your voice is unique, so please learn to cherish that.

Do NOT sing, whisper, shout, yell nor scream if having a sore throat/cold/flu, Also, do speak as little as you can if you have flu/cold/sore throat!

Remember to drink at least 2 litres of room-temperature still water every day, not just during singing days!

Avoid inhaling secondhand smoke!

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