Free Voice Lessons

Singing <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>Lessons</strong> Online for Free! Good or Bad?” class=”p1-bigImage” /></p>
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Questions and Answers

Where can I get free voice lessons and singing tips?

Due to the current state of the economy, I can no longer afford to go to my current vocal coach. If anyone has any general singing tips, or knows of any websites where I might find free vocal training, please let me know. Ten points to the most helpful answer.

Posted by Skye
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The following sites have free voice lessons and vocal coaches that may answer your questions by e-mail. You can e-mail questions to the vocal coaches/teachers from their sites below, most of the time they do reply. Be sure to check out their free lessons before you ask something. Have fun! 🙂

VoiceLesson with Mark Baxter (free vocal advice/coaching)

The Arceneaux Approach (free video singing lessons)

Vocalist (free singing lessons/theory)

Singing Success (systematic vocal training program) (approx. $200)

Voice lessons oline free?

Free thing that teach you to sing.

Posted by DanicaPatrickAnswer
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As a profiessional singer I cannot recommend any form of online voice training. The voice is a very picky instrument that is very different in everyone. You need to find a real life teacher to be face to face with. That way they can really hear what you are doing and give you feedback on how to improve. Anything online would just not be worth it to me because there is no real way for someone to hear all the nuiances in the voice. Find a good teacher if you are serious and practice alot! Lessons will run anywhere from $15 to $45 an hour. Good luck and keep singing!

Voice Lessons…?

Is 14 a good age to start vocal lessons?
How much do voice lessons usuallly cost?
How many times a week should you take them?
How many minutes for each lesson?
How long would it take for your voice to improve?
What should I expect of my voice as an almost 14 year old?

You don't have to answer every question if you don't know the answer…just tell me what you know.

Feel free to share your experiences with voice lessons…


Posted by A*n*o*n*y*m*o*u*s
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Before I answer all of your questions, let me start by saying this. Those people who say your voice is DONE growing have no idea what they are talking about! Your voice truly doesn't settle until your 30's. As a matter of fact, your voice at 14 is going through a process of changes hormonally. Your voice is far from settling yet. There are some singers who might be a soprano at 14, but grow to be a Mezzo in their 20's, and vice versa. It is a fun process, but don't put your voice in a box just yet as some of these people have suggested. It is dangerous uncorrect information that could hurt you in the long run. But I know you are smart enough not to take that advice. 😉

The thing about taking voice lessons at your age is the quality of teacher you have. I have colleagues who will not take students until they are 18. Many say the voice isn't mature enough yet. I on the other hand do, but I am very careful. Yes, you can take lessons, but if you have a teacher who is driving your voice like a 20 year old, and throws a bunch of arias in your face, LEAVE! They will ruin your voice, because your voice isn't ready for that yet. The vocal chords are sensitive and any hard driving of the voice before turning 18 can cause serious damage to the vocal chords. If you feel pain after a lesson, don't come back. Too many voice teachers ruin potentially incredible singers because they don't know what the heck they are doing. Check their credentials, see if they have a caring demeanor, and get a trial lesson first. If the person has good credentials and makes you feel comfortable, go for it!

Voice lesson charges depend on the individual. Some teachers charge from 25 to 60 dollars and hour. Only take lessons once a week. Don't do more than one, because you will get burnt out and will not get a chance to grow and explore on your own. If they want you to come more than once a week, they are just greedy! How much time your lessons lasts depend on you. I say 45 minutes to an hour is a good time span. As far as how long it will take for your voice to improve, it depends. Some hear a change immediately, but the key is patience. If you work and follow your lessons, you will see slight improvements and sometimes huge improvements within a couple of months.

And to answer your last question, you shouldn't expect anything yet. I encourage you just to have fun and explore. Since many voices don't sound alike, I couldn't possibly give you an expectation without hearing you. Again, I stress to you not to push or drive your voice, because you are still developing. Your voice could go anywhere and musically it has the potential to be out of this world with training! Have a good time and be encouraged! If your voice teacher can't give you that, then find one that will. You can do it!

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